Indeed, it's a very good game

User Rating: 9 | Assassin's Creed PS3
Where should I start?

It's a very innovative game, and we've never seen something like this before, we've seen games about assassinations, like Hitman, but nothing like Assassin's Creed. Set in 2012, Desmond Miles is a normal dude who is suddenly kidnapped by Abstergo Industries, and they're testing the Animus on you, the Animus is a machine which lets the user access his/her genetic memory, that is, the memories of his/her ancestors. And apparently, these people want to learn something about your past... You occasionally take control of Desmond in the present, but the game is all about Altair, his ancestor, and his missions to assassinate people during the holy Crusade.

The Gameplay is just perfect, the controls are smooth and easy to learn, you'll soon get the hang of it. Since jumping around buildings is the most efficient way of getting through the cities of Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus, it has to be easy, and it is, it couldn't be any more simple, you just run up to the ledge and Altair will jump to the next building, hop over obstacles, hang over ledges, etc. Combat is also easy, yet thrilling, either with the long or short sword (which is more agile). But the awesomest weapon has to be the Hidden Blade, which is mainly used for assassinating silently, but you can also run up to your target, jump at them and thrust your blade in their necks. It's also worth mentioning that once you get the hang out of how to perform counters, you can easily kill any soldier with this humble weapon. Once the soldiers have detected you as an assassin, you'll have to run and hide in some hiding locations, like piles of hay, or roof gardens, or... you could just kill them all, however, remember that standing between a pile of bodies is sure to get you detected.

Now, to the graphics. They are cool, but I wouldn't go as far as to say they are breath taking. At least not while on the ground, but once you climb up a tower and admire the entire city, you'll be amazed at what you're witnessing.

Something that must be mentioned, is just how alive the cities feel. The streets are full, and I mean FULL of citizens, some beggars, some people working, other carrying stuff, others talking, some razy dudes which push you around, some monks, soldiers, it's incredible, you'll love it.

What else can I mention. well, the basic layout of the missions is to first travel on horse to the indicated city, there you must collect informationa bout your target. To do this, you'll ahve to pickpocket people, beat up some others, collect flags, assassinate certain soldiers, among other objectives. Once you get enough information, it's time to move up to the target, which will always have a cutscene rendered within the games graphics. I wouldn't call them boss battles since it's pretty much like assassinating anyone else, only that you may have to climb up a building to get inside, fight some soldiers, and chase your target to finally assassinate him.

The only issue I could address os the fact that you have only 1 save file. You can replay all the missions as much as you want, but you can't replay any of Desmond's parts, which really sucks.

Well, that's about all I cans ay about Assassin's Creed. it's a totally freh game with a never before seen formula which works just perfectly fine, and anyone who enjoys action/adventure games should buy it, seriously, I highly recommend it.