Assassin's Creed is a masterpiece that you will enjoy for... hours.

User Rating: 7.5 | Assassin's Creed PS3
Assassin's Creed is like a bottle of water: After you've finished, you come back for more. Then you realize there's nothing left for you. Then you don't look again (unless you have OCD).

Graphics - 9.0

The graphics in Assassin's Creed are superb. textures are top notch, and the effects are great (excluding the blood, which is not good at all). The only problems with the graphics are the few glitches.

Sound - 9.0

This game has a wonderful soundtrack. When you enter a city, the music matches with the time that you get a great view. But it's not just that; the music in general is great. The sound effects are, as well. When you slash someone to bits and pieces, it sounds just like I imagine it would in real life.

Gameplay - During first playthrough, 8.5; otherwise, 6.5

The biggest problem with the gameplay is the repetitiveness. You do the same thing over and over and over again. It's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
There are hundreds of flags hidden everywhere, and there's no reason to find them! This is the reason you should rent it. The other problem with the gameplay are that it is too easy. You can massacre a dozen people without breaking a sweat.

Controls - 9.5

The controls are amazing. They aren't complex, but the cool part is that it allows you to do so much. The square, triangle, circle and X buttons do two things each, and there's of course the combinations. You can pick up a controller, play this game for the first time, and look like your a pro at it.

Story - 8.5

The story is nice, but quite convoluted and too confusing. Also, you probably won't get to read all the emails until you've beat the game at least once.

Bottom Line

With no multiplayer, repetitiveness taken to extremes, and a confusing story, I say rent it. It isn't worth the $60.