Get past the complex and interesting (and sometimes not so interesting) plot, and you have a boring generic game.
Upon loading it up, I had expectations of this game. However, 1 minute into it everything was crushed as I learnt of the games "interesting" narrative style. Such a style has been seen in literature many times.
The main character you play, is an assassin. But wait, your ACTUALLY playing as someone from the future (the year 2012 I believe offhand) who is hooked to a machine that allows him to re-live his 12th Century assassin ancestor's life. Sound good maybe? I wasn't impressed.
Aside from the structure, we see the assassin re-live the Crusades, killing off key players who historically had a part in causing them. Of course they weren't killed by an assassin, but in this game they in fact were.
That's pretty much the bulk of the game. Now, the gameplay I have to say, is good. The combat is a little bit boring, since you only have to hit one button, and you can only engage most enemies with your sword. The way the asssassin leaps and jumps and runs is fun, and this aspect of the game handles smoothly.
The graphics are nice to look at, but playing it on my non-widescreen non-HD T.V, everything looks rough around the edges. I would hope this isn't the case in HD, but sadly, I believe it would be.
The game quickly becomes repetitive. By the time you go to kill your 2nd target, you'll know the drill, which is to collect information about your target in exactly the same way as the previous target, you plan an attack and you go to kill the target, and then repeat x's another 7. The missions to collect information are boring, they include, evesdropping, pickpocketing someone, doing a dull task like collect flags or kill one or two guards in exchange for information and so on. The first time you do these, it's fun new and exciting, but sadly quickly becomes boring and dull and old.
All of the above make up the bulk of the game, story and gameplay wise. The best feature of this game I have seen, is in attacking someone and having guards chase you, I'd hope that a game about a 12th Century assassin would warrant more fun than that.
Although it is quite boring, you can get it done in a day, that's if you don't waste time "collecting" all the flags one can find within different areas of the game. I suggest you save your money and simply rent it out for the night, it shouldn't take more than that to finish the games main quest. I'm sorely disappointed in this game