Assassin's Creed is one of those games you just can't miss.

User Rating: 8.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
Assassins Creed is a great game. It takes place in the Holy Land as an assassin named Altair of a league called the Creed. As Altair you assassinate soldiers, corrupt nobles, slavers, etc. The only bad thing about it is that it gets somewhat repeatitive, but if you look past that is amazing.

The controls are neat, they are designed like X is weapon hand, B is empty hand, A is feet, and Y is head. The triggers also preform a special task of high and low profile(low is defalt) and for targeting.

Assassin's Creed has great graphics down to the fingers of the characters to the highest buildings in its wide open citys and countrysides. They are some of the best on any platform, or any game.

The gameplay consists of, well, assassinations. But before each one you have to do things in the giant, wide-open citys, such as Pickpocketing maps, Interrogations, Eves-dropping, and doing assassinations for informers. But in this theres not just story mode, there's always lots of thing to do around the 4 citys and huge countryside. Assassinating random soldiers just for fun, or if you want to, just give em a push or slash them for open conflict. Climbing is always fun, climbing to view points, running on buildings and jumping on a soldier, etc. Theres also lots of collectible flags, scattered in hidden spots. And then there's the Templar's to eliminate.

The sword and knife fighting is sweet, especially the counters and combo kills. You can also dodge sword swings and then do a nice blade-slash if you do it right. You can grab people too, and throw knifes at people to disbatch several soldiers.

The sound and voice acting is great, the citizens, Altair, the Creed, the soldiers, it all sounds great. The randomly heard soundtrack isn't to bad either.

So overall this is a must buy if you don't have it, and a keeper if you do with all the increadible gameplay and everything else. Hopefully the repeatition won't ruin this amazing experiance for you.
The Good-
-open citys
-roaming around killing guards is alot of fun
-cool characters
-great graphics
-good voice acting
-not many glitches
The Bad-
-REALLY repetitive(yes this is on here twice)
-stupid story
Gamplay: 8.5
Story: 3.25
Sound: 9.75
Replay Value: 6.75
Overall: 9.0