Assasins Creed is a wonderful game to add to your collection. Between the amazing graphics and the very realistic fighting sequence, this is a must play.The game has a action storyline set back way in the day, that will have you playing and playing. There is almost no boundries and almost no limits on wat you can and cannot do. You can climb on almost everything you can see. It is suprising that you can climb everything you could believe accept a tree. It is very unbelieveable that a man who can climb a 20 story building but cannot climb a simple tree. The weapons and fighting styles are great but one could only wish he had a longbow or a crossbow. You have a limited number of knives but that doesnt matter because at any moment you can find a large man and pit pocket some from him. When you are fighting a number of people you are equipped with very cool and grusome counters. At one moment the bad guy is swinging his sword at you and the next you are knocking him to the ground and slicing his throat with a sort of blades to choose from. The only thing i have negative to say about this game is that it is a little repetitve in the fact on the missions the game gives you.But all and all this game is amazing in many different ways. Assasins Creed is a wonderful game to add to your collection
Well, it's here. People around the world are playing this game, and either loving it or hating it. The not-so-subtle negative reviews are already leaking out across boards and sites everywhere. Then again, doesn't it see... Read Full Review
There can be no question that Assassin's Creed is one of the most hyped games of the year. Those gorgeous trailers and that unique storyline and that clever approach to combat...well, all of it just seemed to be a very f... Read Full Review