Over the past weeks i have been trying to fugure out the one good thing about Assassins creed, and the only good about it is the art style. The Story falls flat on its face, but dont get me wrong the Past story was intresting, the future part was really a let down. The End was really bad, i felt like i was playing a prequil to a much better story, but if there is a sequal, it would be a rental. Graphics are good in the world of HD, but the future part, the art style is lame and looks like something you see out of a bad 70's future movie. The gameplay is really easy, once you know countering (takes about a minute to master) the game is easy. Ai gets in your way too much, i.e. Beggers and crazy people in the game. The missions a super boring, for you do the samething 50 million times and i get bored within the first hour. Voice actiong is good except for the main characture and Kirsten Bell performance is sub par. People need to take a good long look on what makes this game great, and come to terms that anyone could make this game. its a 5 day game rental, but not a buy!!!
Well, it's here. People around the world are playing this game, and either loving it or hating it. The not-so-subtle negative reviews are already leaking out across boards and sites everywhere. Then again, doesn't it see... Read Full Review
There can be no question that Assassin's Creed is one of the most hyped games of the year. Those gorgeous trailers and that unique storyline and that clever approach to combat...well, all of it just seemed to be a very f... Read Full Review