Assassins' creed is a beautifully sculpted Masterpiece that should be owned by every Xbox 360 owner.
You start out as a bartender waking up from a machine called "The animus". You then meet two doctors who tell you that you have information locked away in that head of yours. they tell you that if you do not comply, they will induce a coma, get the inforomation they want, and let you die anyway. Obviously you'd rather play the game than watch Mr. Miles Die. So, you're on your way.
from this point on, you'll leap builings, jump from high ledges, run up walls, Save citizens, and get lost in the beautiful Medival world that is Assassin's creed.
Ubisoft has done a terrific job on the environments. every square inch of the game is visually stunning, and It's actually nice just to admire the work that Ubisoft has done. And one of the best parts is that there is almost no trace of linear gameplay. You can follow the storyline as you wish, or you can roam the streets, comepleting bonus objectives like saving citizens from Grumpy guards, or collecting flags that are scattered around the holy land, or even eleminating all the high ranking templars. The sword fighting is good, except that after you get your counter attack skill, it's usually just a matter of holding down the right trigger and mashing the counter attack button. Another thing that they've done so well is the voices. You'll hear the conversations of guards, citizens, beggars, and if the beggars get too annoying, your can either assassinate them or give them a good puch to the face and they'll run off crying. If you have Assassin's creed, good on you and be patient for the next one coming out. If you don't have assassin's creed, get it, and be patient for the next one to come out.