Assassin's Creed takes into hand aerobatics, sword fighting and...helping the poor townspeople....This game is awesome it incorporates all of the actions and forms of society that would have happened if you just came out of nowhere and stuck a dagger into someone, that is if your swift and arn't seen, then you won't be punished by the patroling guards!! haha. A really good and easy to follow story as you investigate each of your assassination targets by either pickpocketing information, eavs dropping, interrogating or your informor may guide you in the right direction with his knowledge if you help complete his tasks.. sometimes the fight scenes may seem a bit repetative after a FAIR while but hey thats pretty much the story in GTA and look how far their games went!!! The free roaming ability is a relief when your just bored to the point of destruction!! which doesn't really happen! because you skip that stage and go to the frustration stage because of the millions of guards wanting to beat you up. Stunning graphics and gameplay always keeps you on the edge of your seat for part of the ride. With a rather average array of weapons and tactics it still does alright in the rather ordinary fight scenes which can be a bit of an annoyance at times..but all in all this game is a pretty good time eater and is pretty fun, mainly because of its well structured REPETATIVE story line --> all the ways to kill each of the 9 guys are the same; pickpocket, your friend the informer, interrogate. It does get boring after a while
Well, it's here. People around the world are playing this game, and either loving it or hating it. The not-so-subtle negative reviews are already leaking out across boards and sites everywhere. Then again, doesn't it see... Read Full Review
There can be no question that Assassin's Creed is one of the most hyped games of the year. Those gorgeous trailers and that unique storyline and that clever approach to combat...well, all of it just seemed to be a very f... Read Full Review