A wonderful rich world full of glorious detail

User Rating: 9 | Assassin's Creed X360
As games go this is one of the most beautiful detailed environment i have ever seen. You can climb almost any building, tower and or wall in this game as long as you can see hand holds. I some times run around and climb to see what i can get a top of.

Overall this game is fun, and rich. The combat is your standard button masher but with a twist. Each button controls a different part of Altair. For example one controls his eagle vision which allows you to look around and see bad guys, and people that will help you in your quest. It makes it quite exciting as you steam roll through an alley trying to escape pursuers. You can push, tackle and use the crowd as obstacles. The controls are rather well done. I was skeptical when i first heard about it but it really won me over.

The story I wont spoil, even tho by now most people know it from youtube and reading online. Ill keep to the basics. You have a list of objectives to complete and some are optional and some are to move the plot forward. I personally complete everything. It gives you the full experience of the game. The main objective is to assassinate 9 characters during the crusader era. The optional things are the research you do of the city, helping people, finding flags and pickpocketing. I will say that finding the flags even with a map is tedious and can be frustrating.

Some say after you complete the game that it has no replay value. I however am thinking i could play this again and again by looking at different ways to accomplish my task.

Overall this game is fun, and very unique from other adventure games. I had a lot of fun playing it and will be playing it for a very long time.