awesome graphics and gameplay. best stealth game ever made.
read some reviews on it and saw some of the gameplay vids, theni decided to get it just to see what it was like.
let me say, i am glad i did get it, this game pwns almost all of my other games.
So on to teh review.
Overall: 9.8
Graphics: 10
No explination needed i think xD
Sound: 8
I thought there could have been a little more music in the game, it was mostly during the boss assassinations/kingdom map and chase sequences that you could hear the music.
Story: 9
the story was solid. I liked that sci-fi twist that they gave it. I would have like more time and objectives to do in the real world though, but the end of the game makes it clear that Desmond is starting to gain his ancestor's abilities (eagle vision) so maybe if theres a sequel we will see more out of Desmond.
Gameplay: 10
the controls were nearly perfect and i loved the depth of what you can do with it all.
It got to a point that I just sat on walls and waited for soldiers to walk by and used the assassination blade on them.
I also liked how the guards didnt notice that you did it right away, that is more realistic im my opinion.
I mean if you walk by someone, kill them quickly and then keep walking with out too much movement, most people arnt gonna notice too soon. this is mimicked very will in this game.
some people bash it, but its a more realistic experience then the usual AI knows all bs that we have to put up with.
Climbing was difficult to grasp at first, as not everything is grabable and its easy to jump off a building by mistake (killed myself that way more then the soldiers xD)
Another aspect I liked was the different weapon choice for assassinating, instead of just always using the Assassination blade you can use the throwing Knifes.
I mostly stuck to the sword, but the daggers provide a quick way to kil off soldiers, drawback is that they dont parry very well so you have to get the kill combos down good.
One thing that did bug me was the few times the game froze on me during block 4. had to restart my ps3 a few times because of it and even the smallest smudge on the disk causes it to throw out a disk read error during the game.
Over all 9.8 from me, awesome game, will be waiting for the sequel when/if it comes out.