acs story is probably the best thing about this game. you play as altair a 25 year old assassin whos become a bit too cocky and who thinks hes above the brotherhood code. after the death of an assassin an old man ( who is innocent) altair is brought back down to novice by al muhaim ( leader of the assassins). he is tehn given a letter containng ppl he must kill in different middle eastern cities. its origanal and fun oce you get to the end.
gameplay is fun in most cases. free running is awesome. who doesnt like climbing up building then leaping off of them into hay. combat is alright though you might be wating around for your enemy to attack you so you an pull of a wicked counter kill. side missions are pretty boring though so dont expect alot from them
there is barely any music in this so the game does feel dull at most times. voice actings good excpet for maybe atair who sounds like he couldnt care about anything in life.
this game isnt as great as most people though it would be but thats the case with me only because i played ac2 first.