A good buy, especially for the xbox but its not without problems.
The movements of your character are fairly realistic, and natural and arent of immortal status like many other games to date. The control over these movements however is where i ran into a problem throughout many times in the game.
The character easily takes lanes that arent intended by the player to travel frequently and diverts you down strange paths unless you are very careful, and even then you will probly find yourself in many places you didnt expect to be.
The combat system is a bit oversimplified as well and can be glitchy at times, and the game makes you work up to simple sword fighting tactics you kinda need from the begining, but once you actually have a few of these abilities it kinda makes combat a bit too easy, not to mention you'll kill about 20 guards with only 2-3 different moves at maximum. Some of these kills are pretty sweet to watch so its a bit easier to take, but it usually the same types of fights over and over.
Its a good game, and worth the buy imo. It can be played in a few different fashions and has a limited degree of open endedness, and the stealth system should be mentioned for its quality, but it could have been buffed a bit. Hope this helps.