Assassin's Creed is a superb game and shows proof on why people need to stop giving high expectations on games
This is why I don't get a lot of critics and reviewers saying the game is too repetitive. The game is called "ASSASSIN'S creed" For those of you haven't figured it out already, an assassin is someone who is HIRED TO KILL. It is completley unfair to say that it is too repetitive to kill people IF THAT'S THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THE GAME! What else is an assassin supposed to do?!! Escort prostitutes to their pimps? You must keep in mind the main goal of the game and not rush to conclusion by saying "this game iz sooo b0ring im g0nna g0 p1ay halo 3"
Anyway, Assassin's Creed is an underrated masterpiece that must be played if you own an Xbox 360 or PS3.