not as good as i thought it would be
User Rating: 6 | Assassin's Creed X360
i went into gamestop and bought my xbox 360 with the two games call of duty 4, and assassins creed. Those were the two best games out at the time and i figured i would get some awesome thrills out of both of them. Everyone was excited for it and i was the first of my friends to get it, so of course that was the first game i played. I was at first kinda disappointed by the odd story line. After i got over that and got the controls down, i began to get into the heart of the game. The goal of the game is to assassinate 9 important people. I played the game and assassinated only 3 of the 9. I have no desire to finish the game because its too repetitive for me. Every mission is pickpocket this guy, eaves drop on this person. It just got kinda bored with it. Its way overrated. If you like that sandbox style gameplay where you can run around everywhere, there are definitely other better games to play. But sneaking around is definitely fun, but not enough fun to buy this game if you already haven't.