Stab fun into your life with Assassin's Creed

User Rating: 8.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
My brother played the first half of this game, and then I beat the last half. Perhaps this is why I did not encounter the extreme repetitiveness of Assassin's Creed that I have heard so much about. I can easily see how people can compare this game as if they were checking off their chores list, but I had a great time playing this game.

Assassin's Creed is a great looking game and fun to play. At times I truly felt like a badass in the game. Once you get the controls down, you can start taking on 10 to 20 guys at once, and to defeat all of them is a very satisfying feeling. There are three or four huge cities to explore. It is a cool feeling to climb up buildings and view the world from such a high destination.

The story in Assassin's Creed is good, but could have been presented better. One will be able to understand the gist of the game, but it felt like the story builds up slow, only to really pick up speed towards the end of the game. Everything seems to hit the player all at once, and one is left with the "what the?" feeling. But even though many people felt as if the ending was too much of a cliffhanger I thought it was appropriate and a good place to end the game at. Can't wait to see what Ubisoft has done with Assassin's Creed 2.