Bloody-well repetitive, but still good fun...
But you would have to be frank that it may not of came up to scratch, based on how hyped the game was. We can all agree that it was over-hyped to an extent, but all the same, its still good fun.
The over-hypness of Assassins Creed prior to its international release may not of being the only mistake however. There has being alot of common criticisms about the gameplay too. In particular, that its very repetitive.
The aim of the game is that you must take out key figures behind the crusade whos tearing apart the holy land, after you were disgraced by your Brotherhood for neglegance and failure. So you must go back up the ranks to redeem yourself. You reclaim a rank, and a new ability/weapon after every assassination. However thats all there is to do, ride from city to city, get intel about your target and then kill him. This is the same over and over again. You can quite honestly say that its irrelevant who these targets are, because their pretty damn easy to take down.
Cut-scenes are pointless, because either; 1) you can barely understand what their saying, or, 2) the voice acting annoys you.
Anyway, I wanted to get all the criticisms out of the way because I have to honestly say that regardless of its unapologetic repetiteness and lack of challenging enemies, its still an enjoyable game.
The free running is awsome, and this just emphasizes how easy your enemies are, because you can get away from them just like that.
Sword fighting can be straight forward, but easy to accomplish. The counter attacks are my personal favourites; press square button at the right time and thats it, enemy gone.
No-one can ever disagree that the carefull look of detail in the 'mise-en-scene' of Assassins Creed is rediculously sharp. Even if the gameplay just get on your nerves now and again... you can always do abit of free running and enjoy the scenery, quite breath-taking.
The whole sci-fi aspect of the game has many pros and cons: Its good because it bring more depth and twists to the games narrative. However alot of people could say that it was never needed, and should of being a straight-forward, 11th century, sword wielding adventure.
We can conclude that Assassins Creed has alot of good things about it, and alot of bad things. We just gonna have to see how the sequel looks.