Repetition and frustration keep Assassins Creed from hitting the target.

User Rating: 6.5 | Assassin's Creed PS3
Assassins Creed grabbed me with its cool style, great graphics, and awesome ideas but sadly it fell far short of being the great game it was meant to be.

The first major problem was the repetition of boring side missions that never really made you feel like you where advancing the plot. I understand it is a open world game but the side quests just have no point at all, they require little skill and often leave you unrewarded for your time.

Next was the frustration, i felt the controls were solid but the gameplay just felt a bit off, i never felt like a badass hero, climbing although fun at first often left me cursing and although combat wasn't terrible it was the same formula for each fight.

The story drew me in and i love the time period but the whole plot twist involving a near future world was not needed and only took away from the core experience. The game is not terrible but i had to play it in short bursts over around two months or so because i would get so tired of it. If perfected Assassins Creed could have been a great game but it has missed its chance with this installment lets hope they get it right when they make number 2.