Assassins Creed Is A Masterpiece & Is All And Much More Than It Is Cracked Up To Be...

User Rating: 10 | Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition PC
Hi everyone!
Think of the finest game you've ever played and times that by 100. Think of the most immersive game you've ever played and times that by 100. Think of Crysis' graphics and double it and think of the most incredible experience you'll ever have on a computer and times that by 1,000,000.

That's the only words that can give this game the slightest bit of credit it deserves, it's incredible!

You are an assassin named Altair and you work for an Assassination group that's goal is to stop corruption in the land, or that is what you are first lead to believe. You begin of as Desmond Miles who is a bartender that used to be a hit man but isn't anymore. You have been taken to a lab of sorts that is run by evil people and one good one. You are asked to go into this machine called an Animus which goes into the memories of your ancestors and makes you relive them. You end up having to kill a lot of targets as Altair, who is your ancestor. Altair ends up unwinding a massive conspiracy that has been hiding him against the real means of his kills. I won't say much more because I don't wish to spoil the storyline for you.

This game has a rich storyline and amazing game play and puts games like Prince of Persia to shame.

Storyline: I thought the storyline was excellent and was very excited to hear that there are plans for a movie in progress. This is the first game I've ever played that has actually sucked me up into its world and made me want to keep playing for hours on end. The people who wrote the storyline for this game are absolute geniuses with all its twists turns and dead ends. I know that some people didn't like it because it was too complicated or too boring but I say to them: "Are you insane? This is the most detailed, rich storyline that I have ever played and I've played a lot of games! If you can't enjoy its storyline go play a mindless killing game like Doom 3 or GTA (Not that there bad games, well Doom 3 is but GTA isn't.)." The ending will leave you gobsmacked and if you do some research you'll realise how incredible it really is.

Graphics: The graphics are incredible. I own Crysis and can run it on very high easily and I still think Assassins Creed's graphics are much better. Crysis has good graphics and all but Assassins Creed is in its own league. The detail in everyone's faces and when you're galloping around the countryside on a horse or when you are simply on top of a tall building observing a city will leave you breathless and gasping the word "Wow.". The graphics are fantastic and it's really clever how all the textures in different cities are usually have one colour in common with each other, like blue or red. This is good because it keeps the frame rate down which lets it run smoothly. On a really good PC it looks great but if your computer can't take it you'll be missing out on a visual masterpiece. I forgot where, but some where on Gamespot I heard that the graphics are even better on a high end PC than an Xbox 360 or a PS3 but I wouldn't know because I've only ever played this on a PC. These are the greatest graphics I have ever seen in a game.

Game Play: The game play is fantastic. It's really easy to learn the controls and the fights with the guards are a ridiculous amount of fun, especially when you do special moves. It's good that the controls are simple because if they made it complicated like Street Fighter, Mortal Combat or some of the Prince of Persia games a lot of people, including myself. Jumping from a high height and landing in a haystack is also a cool addition to this game. The fights are fun and finishing off a guard by an artistic sword move is just plain cool. An honourable mention has to go to the climbing system. I never would have thought climbing a building to be so much fun. It is especially fun when you climb to the top of the really big church, climb the highest tower where construction is still under way and fight the Templar on top of it were any wrong move and you'll both fall right to the ground. That has to be one of the greatest parts of the game. All the collectables are fun to get as well and if you get all of them (Which I haven't, yet.) the game play could be really long but it still would be great fun due to the fact that there are guards everywhere and it's always fun to get into a swordfight. Overall the game play is a masterpiece and will be remembered for a long time. Who knows? Maybe one day it will be a classic like Wolfenstein 3D.

Sound: The sound is great. When your on top of a building and can hear no more than the wind rushing past you and some distant birds twittering you know they have put some real effort into making the sounds. All of the cities noises are great. The horses hooves galloping are really realistic and the small bits with Violins and Violas are very nicely done. This game has great sound and it is all done right, none of it is over done at all.

Difficulty: When I first played this game I put it on easy because I've played Prince of Persia and I thought it would be something like that. I mean, on easy, I can't beat the first tutorial bit because it's just too hard. I forget which Prince of Persia that was but you're on a ship and this lady and her crew that look like monsters board your ship and attack you. Anyway, I'm not reviewing Prince of Persia so I'll get back to Assassins Creed. I finished this game pretty quickly so I would recommend playing it on medium the first time round and then a harder setting later on. I believe Ubisoft got the difficulty just right though.

In my opinion this is the greatest game ever made and I've had no problems whilst I've been playing this. I'm really looking forward to the second one and I would recommend this game to any one looking for a good, addictive game that is also pretty laid back but fun at the same time. I would rate this game a 10/10 for all the reasons I stated before and if you only ever get one game in your life, make it this one.
