Not as good as everyone says it is, but still just a fun game to play around with.

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition PC
So I bought this game because of the reviews of everyone else on GampSpot saying this was one of the best games ever and all that. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret buying the game, but its not THAT good.

The game-play is fun... running around and killing crusaders and other people with sweet weapons and cool moves. The story isn't half bad either except the end (I won't spoil that for you though :). There is even a sort of level up system to get your new weapons and cool moves. But after playing the game for a few hours, it just all runs together. I guess what I am trying to say is that the replay value of the game doesn't live up to a lot of game out there that didn't receive half the hype this game did.

Anyways, I know this wasn't too in depth, but I would not discourage you from buying this game (I think its really cheap now too...) just don't expect the world from it like everyone is saying, just expect a fun time running around and killing people in cool ways.
