Assassins Creed has a lot going for it. Well lets start with the basics. You play as an assassin named Altair...and you will go through several cities to take care of certain people responsible for...something. Without giving to much away the game has a wicked sci-fi twist. Dont worry this is introduced in the first 5 minutes. Anyways you can interact with the incredible a.i, go exploring and save citizens. You have 3 weapons, throwing knives, a short sword, and a long sword, all useful and all cool. you can also use your fists but you wont do that too often. The gameplay does get some getting used to. Each button is assigned to a body part, holding the a button forces you to run and the trigger will make u run faster, and walking is a simple tilt of the analog stick. Combat is hard at first, and what seems as simple button mashing evolves into a much complex and impressive fighting scehme with some awesome cinematic counter attacks. You can even turn off all your HUD if your into that to really immerse yourselves. The mission setup is for the most part unchanged throughout the game. You do 3 missions to unlock your assassination and then after that you can set up your assassination as awesome as you like. You can either take the straight route, or scale a wall and take the stealth route. However you want, and each time is very different. The game (from what ive seen) has 1 difficulty. Its not easy, but its not hard either. Thats good though. The graphics are absolutely beautiful, but once in awhile you may see an angry guard slip through the roof. Music is great but there isnt enough of it... it ramps up when u fight and it slips into the backround when your walking. Sound design overall is top-notch, with ambient noises and talking all around, and it doesnt sound random either. The voice acting is solid as well. The game is long, if you take your time, and the story is one you will get into. The only bad once again is the mission variety. Other parts of the game blend into the story so you should take your chance to purchase it. You wont be dissapointed.
Well, it's here. People around the world are playing this game, and either loving it or hating it. The not-so-subtle negative reviews are already leaking out across boards and sites everywhere. Then again, doesn't it see... Read Full Review
There can be no question that Assassin's Creed is one of the most hyped games of the year. Those gorgeous trailers and that unique storyline and that clever approach to combat...well, all of it just seemed to be a very f... Read Full Review