Gorgeus setting, fun gameplay and a great story make this game worth playing.

User Rating: 8.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
Assassins Creed came in with a lot of hype and it really depended on what kind of player you are which determined whether you liked it or not.

In Assassins Creed you play as the assassins master protege Altair. In the beginning of the game he is sent on a mission to retrieve an artifact but he fails and breaks many rules of the clan and is stripped of his rank and weapons and thats where the story starts.

The combat involves stealth fighting, aggresive combat, and some long range fighting using throwing knives. The combat is fun but gets slightly repetitive but as you progress farther in the game the harder the guards are to kill and the more of them you'll have to face at a time. This is what keeps it fresh. While you fight you can directly attack, counter attack (you do this 90% of the time), dodge, or throw your oppenent. These are controlled by the Y, A, B, and X buttons.

The graphics in this game are fantastic and the scenery is beautiful. Just climbing buildings and running from rooftop to rooftop is fun most of the time.

This game was a needed change form the nonstop productions of shooters and was really a fun game to play. It has an great story with lots of twists and turns. The kill scenes were nice but the only problems i have with this game are the missions do get repetitive and the ending isn't bad its just really confusing if you don't know that its over. Also the fighting could be tweaked a little bit to make it a tad harder but still this game was an incredible experience and i recommend it to anyone.

This game gets a 8.5 in my book.