This is a good game. Still it is the most disappointing game I have ever played. The expectations was way too high?
The graphics are pretty awesome, but some major (and by that I mean MAJOR) glitches ruins some of the experience. Still, the atmosphere through the whole game is outstanding. The surroundings look a bit the same though (whats so special about making three big cities, if they are all the like?), but all in all I can't say anything else than it is pretty impressive.
The controls as well are perfect, and it is really fun to move around the surroundings the way you do. Because of this, the flag collection feature is actually one of the most fun things about the game. When I say that the controls are perfect, I mean the way you move around. The fighting, however, are pathetic (really!). It feels slow and this to isn't very exciting. There are never more than one guard attacking you at a time, and by counterattacking them they all go down very, very easily. When playing an action/adventure game I do, at the very least, expect some exciting battle.
Then there is the targets. I must say that I am a huge fan of hitman, and was hoping that the mission would be something like in the hitman series. Where you had to carefully plan your attack to make it perfect. It isn't. You move to a spot where the target is, listen to some speech by him, and then you just have to go in for the kill. Silent assassinations are rare, since you always get spotted before you can reach him. Either by psychic guards (!) or by the crowd (mental patients and drunken sailors are really annoying when they make push you around like a toy doll, making everything a chaos).
The biggest weakness of the game is that isn't very innovative. You aren't free to do your own investigations and to plan your own attack. Unfortunately, because it had some potential to be something really outstanding.
I'm sorry to say that I can't recommend anyone to buy this game. It is worth a rent though.