The graphics are outsanding, fun at first, but gets old fast.

User Rating: 3.5 | Assassin's Creed PS3
Wow, I have no idea why so many people love this game. Yes, the graphics are outstanding, but with the PS3 maturing new games need more than cool graphics. It's fun to assassinate people at first. Some great looking animations. But after the first 30 minutes to an hour you've maxed out. Nothing new really happens and the game gets VERY tiresome. Its becomes the EXACT same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.

The story line was a good concept, but WAY too boring and drawn out. I got very tired of all of the talk and downtime between the mundane action. I desperately wanted a skip button to bypass the LONG rambling stories.

The end is a cliff hanger, I would love to know how the story ends, but don't know if I could fight through a second version of this snoozer.