Gorgeous graphics cant make up for an otherwise linear and long-winded game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
Assassins creed looks great. No doubt about it. Character models, landscape, all of it looks great. The voice acting is pretty solid and sneaking behind someone and jamming a blade up their back, and slipping away into the shadows before anyone notices you is satisfying. Now for the bad stuff. The storyline, is pretty lame and alot of people will get confused about it. The enviornments, while beautiful are bland. One color. Tan. Thats it. I know it sounds minor but it starts to annoy very quickly. The A.I. is one of the worst in gaming. Im pretty sure that if its 20 guards vs 1, they wont attack one at a time. and when u stab someone then hold the A button everyone is like "who did this?" even if ur standing directly above the body and ur the only one standing around. Add that into the biggest problem. The amount of time it takes to get into a mission. Long winded cutscenes you cant skip are everywhere. and about 75% of this game is running to and from with out using any violence. Pulling off a true stealth kill is very satisfying BUT the road to get there isnt worth it.

+Great Graphics
+Solid Voice acting
+Main characters robes look badas
+The hidden blades
+Unique setting
+Rooftop running is satisfying

-Cant skip cutscenes
-Takes too long to get to the Assassination parts of the mission
-A.I. is absurd
-Combat feels a bit sticky and broken
-This game is really just copying off Theif but its not as good

?Why do the guards start attacking me if i ride horseback and forget to hold the A button