Very polished; great graphics and sounds. A little repetitive but satisfying nonetheless
The story and setting is unique, allowing you to explore ancient Jerusalem and nearby areas freely. This makes for some lengthy in-game travels, which is generally ok except for some portions that sort of feel repetitive or tedious. Nevertheless, each stage of the story feels different enough that the repetitive feeling is somewhat managed well. The mini-game of looking for flags throughout the citieis make things a lot more interesting than they should, and adds a certain amount of depth to the entire experience.
What for me stands out as my biggest problem with this game (but not a major one mind you), is that the gameplay feels repetitive in some areas. I realize this cannot be avoided in a game world of this magnitude, but there are some stages where I felt I was just doing things mechanically and getting bored in the process, and that shouldn't be the case.
In any case, these parts were few and far between enough not to ruin the experience; this is a great, polished adventure game with a unique setting and premise, and i certainly intend to play the sequels (which have already been out for quite some now).