Assassins Creed is a great game dont get me wrong but it lacks in vital areas such as rthe repetitve fighting.......
Assassin's Creed starts in this virtual world in there u learn all the tricks of the trade of being an ASSASSIN . Anyway after the cinematic of u killing an innocent( its against the assassin's creed) u go thru a whole bunch of obstacles that leads u 2 the king and both of ur partners tell u not 2 go down there and stuff everything up but being an over confident assassin u just cant resist. So u go down there and yep u guessed it u actually dont get 2 kill the king. Well after that u run away 4 a bit but 1 of ur partners gets killed and wats really annoying is that both ur partners r brothers so yea u get dobbed in and u lose ur rank and hav 2 work ur way up again.
*Amazing Visuals
*Great Cinematics
*Big Open World to play in
*Very Good Controls
*Superb Voice Acting
*Outstanding Gameplay
*Good Storyline
*Weird Ending
*Fightings Repetitive
*Hard To Navigate
I think that assassin's creed is a great game thats worth a look