Assassin's Creed is a great game of course. It's not flawless or perfect though but it's fun to play
First, The story is good but it doesn't tell us very well. The players have to figure out on their own what is going on in the real world (Desmond) and may not fully understand to the end only to play again for a second time, while the memories' story (Altair) can be understand quite easily.
Second, Gameplay in AC is very good at free-running and combat. It's not too easy or too hard. Free-running is a blast to play but climbing is a bit slow though. Combat is rhythm-style and focus on counter-attacking. The cities look alive and beautiful and worth the exploration. But the downside of AC is its side-missions. Yes, it's optional if you want to do it or not but they're not fun to play and they always play the same way as the missions before them. The game force you to do at least 3 side-missions to progress the story too. (at least they give us information how to approach you target or flee the scene)
Third, Graphics and Sounds are good. The cities are beautiful such as Jerusalem or Damascus. People look very real and are a lot in numbers. The sounds is usually good but sometimes the sounds come before the pictures.
Final, AC is a great game with some flaws that make this game not as shine enough as it should. But don't let this stop you from playing it. The goods are more than the bads. (And its sequels are really good too) If you love an open-world game with no expectation that it should be like GTA, then this is a game for you.