WOW! Gamespot just can't rate games anymore. This game is great trust me :D

User Rating: 8.5 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
Assassin's Creed Bloodlines is a great start for the PSP.So far, the story is great, and the gameplay is very well fleshed out, almost as simple as the xbox 360/PS3 controls which is great. The voice acting is better this time around. The cities that you get to explore are a little small. This game is somewhat a replica from the first Assassin's Creed but is somewhat stripped in terms of some gameplay mechanics (hiding spots) and the graphics. View points and climbing up buildings are still fun to do. Assassination missions are also fun. Combat systems are the same like I said before, with the counters and dodges. Trust me a 5.5 for this game is a terrible score given by a terrible rater. The game at least deserves an 8 or higher. With a little more new content such as new weapons and ideas, and most importantly improved graphics and fixes of some glitches, the game would be a true successor.