I did not expect much,but Bloodlines delivered next to nothing.
User Rating: 2 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
Some of you are going to vote down this review, but hear me out. You might come to agree with me. Lets loop back to Assassin's Creed 1. It delivered as promised, and then some. Assassin's Creed 2? Brought the franchise to new heights. But, as always, there is a black sheep in the family(no racism intended). I did not expect them to give us much. The PSP has some limited capabilities when it comes to design and some graphics. But this, Bloodlines, is a true fail. The graphics: shot. The camera: retarded. And everything that makes Assassin's Creed great? Killed in the womb. Lets start with graphics. The game graphics have so many glitches its almost sad. Altair and just about everyone has what I call a "paste face". They look like a 2-month old baby drew them up. Next on the chopping block: the camera. When you do a successful counter (which won't be often) and you are next to something, it zooms in on the object. Also, the camera controls are bad. Maybe its Sonys fault for giving the PSP only one analog nub, but thats no excuse.When running or just roof-hopping (also very rare) you will often have to stop,adjust the camera, and start all over with your mommentum. That kills the purpose of running. Next up: AI's. AI's naturally inherit some blame, but its no their fault. Unlike its console "brothers", the whole island is practically EMPTY! Yeah, their might be a scholar or denzien walking around every now and again but thats beside the point. How are you supposed to blend with a crowd without crowds!?! I did not expect a whole NYC-type population on one island but come on. Enemy AI's are even worse. If you fight one, multiple enemies will spawn from nowhere. They also just leave eventually, which is great if you are low on health, but negates the point of fighting. Next up: the roof. The ability to run on roofs is cut here. There are few houses within range for running on. Also, the game gives you set paths so there is no freeroam at all. All said and done, AC: Bloodlines is a giant skeleton in the closet. Given the lack of Assassin's Creed basics that are generally given, it should be laid to rest ASAP. Don't buy the game unless you are a complete noob to games like Assassin's Creed. Wait a couple years until its dead to buy it as a reference for about 10-20 bucks. If they remake the game or come out with a new one, check here first to be in the know.