If your one of those people who read gamespot's review and said no to ACB, read this!!

User Rating: 9 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
Ok let me start with this. Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines is the MOST underrated game ever. It provides immense satisfaction, it's awesome addicting, and with reasons that i will explain, long.

Presentation: 8/10
The main menu is not really pretty, kind of weird in fact, but still useful in it's own ways. The mission presentation fixes all this though.

Graphics: 9/10
Well my first impression when i started playing was that the graphics were absolutely, amazingly, to good to be true beautiful. The game is probably the second best looking on the psp. However there is a huge flaw. The cut-scenes don't deserve their name. They look dreadful, kind of like the downgrade of the mini-cut-scenes in Resistance: Retribution. But this isn't enough to give the game the rating that gamespot did.

Gameplay: 9/10
Ok the most important part, gameplay. There are a few glitches, such as see through walls, fall through floors, BUT the glitches are really quite rare, i've only seen them once. The gameplay overall, well i don't know were to start. You can murder every living thing you see(yes citizens as well, at the cost of your life) and run round the whole city with absolutely no limits. The boss fights are also a change from AC1, and i must say, a good one. Boss fights provide that challenge in the game, the much needed one. And the thing different about ACB boss fights, is that you can block and counter-attack your enemies, very different form your average boss fight. The free-running system is decent, although i once had to chase a ninja dude on the rooftops and that drove me wild, because having a time-limit in a game were your character is a clumsy son-of-a ***** and climbing on rooftops is absolutely annoying.

Sound: Lovely. Absolutely lovely. Only two flaws, and they are:
1. Sometimes, when your punching someone and then switch to a blade and hit them, the sound is still the sound of fists, but this has only happened once in all of the time i played.
2. Every now and then, for some reason closer to the end, i get repeated words, for instance they say something twice, strange but not horrible.

Overall: Ok, i'm never listening to gamespot again. Who wrote their review? Was he an AC hater or something? This game is stunning, and don't hesitate when your think about picking it up of the shelf in your local video game dealer. This game made me a die hard assassin's creed fan, the fan i thought i would never be.

Hope i helped, i write from experience, not gameplay videos.

Thanks for reading