Assassin's Creed fails in yet another handheld installment.
Graphics: 10/10. What can I say the graphics are flawless. Beautifully detailed cities and characters this is quite possibly one of the most beautiful games on the PSP and the graphics rival that of some games on PS2 even.
Sound: 5/10. Why such a low score? Simple the sound, or lack thereof, was boring. Frankly I heard barely any sound except for that of stabbing (which who doesn't love that sound?) but there could have been a little more music.
Story: 7/10. The story really had nothing to keep me engulfed in it and most of the scenes were skipped. However, what I did watch was very interesting and if I took the time to watch and read the story of it I would probably enjoy it.
Playability: 5/10. This is where this game shows its' true colors. The smooth motions that you saw on the console version is absent here. The tiny little analog nub on the PSP is extremely sensitive to the slightest movement and in all honesty moving with it is quite awkward. The game is also extremely short and I beat it within a couple hours of gameplay.
Replay Value: Relatively Low
Final Score: 6.5/10.
Final Thoughts: This game does have something going for it and is worth playing. However I say do not waste the $40.00 to buy it and simply rent it if you wish to play it. I can honestly say I am going to be taking my copy back to gamestop quite soon.