Great game although it does have its flaws.

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
Ok, let's get started. The game is good to start off. People complain about how environments are barren, areas are small and so forth, but it's not because of the game- it's because of the graphics. There are still about 4 people (AIs) on the street at all times. You can do anything you could in the original game; i.e climb, stab, swordplay, etc. And it's all done very well. The technical limitations of the PSP prevent it from having great graphics AND flush environments. The fact that Gamespot neglected this kinda irks me. It does everything it can as best it can on the console. The graphics are great, but the environments are slightly barren. But that's comparing the CONSOLE to the HANDHELD version. Of course it's not going to be equal- it can't.

However, the story actually is really cool. There's some good voice acting, although a little cheesy; but there's different voices for all the major characters, so it does manage to suck you in a bit.

Personally, I would pay 20$ for it. You'll enjoy the game if you loved the original, and the visuals are great. But with every great thing on a portable device, you have to cut some corners to make it great. In this case, it was the environments. Overall, great game with some minor flaws that I honestly could look past. The developers did a great job, and I feel their work should be appreciated. One of the better PSP games no matter what gamespot says.