5.5, Gamespot? C'mon...May not be perfect, but it is still fun!
The levels might be smaller and the textures aren't as pretty, but if it sounds like AC, looks like AC, and plays like AC, isn't it Assassin's Creed?
Let's start off with the bad...camera can suck, enemy AI is pretty weak, combat is pretty one dimensional, climbing can be an inexact science.
But the good offsets the bad by a big margin...the game is a boatload of fun! The story is good and kept me engaged. While the game isn't that long, it's not like it is so short I feel ripped off. It feels like I'm playing a qaulity expansion pack for Assassin's Creed I. And if you like AC like I do, this is a good thing. Don't know if it is worth the $39 asking price, but if you can find it used or on sale, pick it up.