You would find it so intolerable you would want it to end as soon as possible...
The gameplay is expected to play stealthily but stupid and poor Artificial Intelligence, numerous glitches, and frustrating controls all these elements fall way short of providing even a tolerable gameplay. The combat has got nice and good looking special moves and counter attacks but is very repetitive.
The graphics of the environment, however, I would say are well designed but again as you get closer to objects I don't seem to understand why they undergo a transformation, a heap of hay suddenly increases in quantity, invisible foes suddenly appear and give you a fright. In spite of this at some instances the game seems fun like chasing some enemy or stealthily assassinating him and of course interrogating foes.
But don't forget the sticky and frustrating control scheme that would just get you all mixed up and you might be jumping off a roof when you just want to climb on a small platform. Altair just doesn't perform jumps when he is supposed to and will bounce off walls unnecessarily and wouldn't get hold of a protruding brick that would just be at his height level.
Apart from this there are always plenty of glitches to give you company and make you regret about the bucks you've spent on this game when you're gradually starting to feel that the game isn't so bad after all.
Graphics aren't so poor after all but the environments and character details are no more than what has already been delivered to the PSP years back. Yet shadowing and lighting is fine. The game occasionally looks beautiful and there is no denying that. Cutscenes offer almost the same graphics as the normal gameplay and you seriously can't make out in which direction a person is looking. Textures aren't so blocky but not outstanding. Frustrating and completely insane glitches are spotted not only in the gameplay but the cutscenes as well. In an interval a foe might be having a beard but in the following one the appearance drastically changes, like balding of a man or change in his robes. Well, that can be neglected, can't it??
Issues are here too, you would struggle to get hold of objects as already mentioned and Altair would hang down buildings when commanded to jump. The game is far too easy. I never had to replay a boss fight or a mission. Exceptions, however, occurred because of either stupid bugs or sticky control schemes.
News about the translation of the original Assassin's Creed to the PSP came out early and I was awaiting it with high hopes and expectations. Perhaps, that is largely why I feel that the game is a failure. The very few aspects which try to stand prominent are swiftly and disturbingly overpowered the number of flaws that the game has. You would never really want to play something like this but if you've played the original Assassin's Creed trust me play it and feel the gruesome agony that I did while playing it. In the end, I would conclude saying that the PSP is not getting the titles that it should and of course that game developers should think twice before bringing instalments of their famed franchise to handhelds. Well, that's not a discouragement but PSP owners certainly need better video games.
Gameplay- 6.5
Graphics- 7.0
Presentation- 6.5
Overall- 6.6/10