Ezio's back with even more power than before!
However, due to the assassins not being able to hold up in battle, Ezio convinces the brotherhood that he can lead them and create an even stronger brotherhood to take down Cesare Borgia, the games main antagonist.
Gameplay: The gameplay is exactly the same as in the franchise's predecessors, climbing mountain tops, assassinating civilians and enemies.
However, the controls were slightly improved from ACII as I felt that accidents where falling down or failing to grip where close to none, where in ACII I often failed missions because of Ezio not jumping on time/gripping/attacking etc..
The gameplay as such was still very good. And I liked the added feature of recruiting assassins, and also that they were customizable in terms of clothing. I had the most fun with this actually because it was the only new thing to the franchise (as far as I'm concerned)
Enemies/Monsters: As I mentioned above, the main antagonist is Cesare Borgia, Rodrigo Borgia's son. And of course you'd be too much of an optimist if you'd think that enocountering the Cecare's goons in Rome would be out of the equations. Again, everywhere you go the little circular minimap will show you those, oh so many red dots roaming all over town just waiting to slice you up with various weaponry. Not even amongst rooftops will you be safe, because guess what? They are up there too, mufufu~
The Templars still roam around the streets as well, but they are not as involved as the Borgias. You mostly encounter the Templars when carrying out missions exclusively related to historical events.
Skills: As I vaguely mentioned above, a new skills is recruiting assassins for the brotherhood. The reason why I really liked this new feature was because you could send those assassins to other cities to carry out assassinations to gain rank and level up, which in turn would lead to a stronger ally during missions, since Ezio could freely signal them to aid in battle or even take out the target for you instead.
Overall: Definitely an interesting game. I really enjoy it, mostly because I still remembering the ending of ACII and that I needed to know how the story would progress and what would happen. I did feel that I wanted something more out of it. I kept having the feeling that something great would happen, but I never really felt that it did. I guess I was hoping for a similar experience to ACII as I gave the game a solid 10/10.