Assassin's Creed 2.5 plus it's got multiplayer, why haven't you bought it yet?
If you like Assassin's Creed 2 then you will like this, if you didn't like it then, you won't like Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. What else can I say? I guess I could mention the new multiplayer which is perhaps one of the most innovative multiplayer experiences I have played in a long time and is truly groundbreaking.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is more of an expansion to Assassin's Creed 2 than a full fledge game, saying that, the thought of paying the price for a full game sounds silly but wait there's more. This is an expansion that adds enough to make it worth the high price tag, simply for the multiplayer and too play more Assassin's Creed.
The new things in the single player add some very interesting and clever features. You now have the ability to control an assassin guild, this new resource gives you an army of assassins to help fight the evil Borgia forces who are trying to take over Italy, mainly Rome. You gain these assassins by saving them from guards who are attacking them, you can then once they are recruited send them on missions across Europe to fight the Templar forces and when they are not away completing contracts you can call upon them to help you in a fight or call down a barrage of arrows on your enemies. Another nice add-on are the new weapons and expanded combat, the fighting in AC: Brotherhood is a lot faster and a lot more exciting and I still believe to be one of the best combat systems in an action game which focuses on close-quarter, sword and spear fighting.
There are plenty of new smaller features that have been added to this game, it also adds a few larger ones which I have already mentioned but they have also introduced Borgia towers which you have to destroy by killing the captain of the tower, scaling the tower itself and then blowing it up, which then gives the assassin's guild control of that area in Rome but oddly enough after destroying the towers the number of Borgia soldiers in the areas doesn't change that much. Staying on the tune of faults or inconsistencies, the notoriety meter makes a triumphant return and is annoying as ever, you still have to pay off heralds, kill officials and tear down posters that have been displayed in places that no normal person can reach unless they wonder around with a ladder all the time or a very powerful pogo stick. The climbing can still be as frustrating as ever and the enemies in combat are very, very stupid, they still attack one at a time. I once decided to see how long it took about ten guards to kill me, it took them over five minutes and I didn't touch my controller once, which means that the combat system may very well be amazing, the AI make it a little too easy sometimes, but it is still fun to disarm an opponent and then smack their own weapon into their balls.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood doesn't develop that much on the main story line but it fills in a few side stories and helps to develops the characters in the real world more, as well as seeing Ezio Auditore da Firenze become even more of a dick. This is a fun, compelling and surprising long game, it's a breath of fresh air among lots of extremely explosive, action based games which have incredibly short single players because all they want to do is create a knock off game which will sell millions and they know everyone will only play the multiplayer.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is a fantastic game, it has thrilling gameplay and is extremely innovative, plus who doesn't want to be able to stab guys in the neck with knife sleeves, oh and don't forget the ball crushing moves. Also come on Assassin's Creed has got a Multiplayer, this should be enough to sell the game and Ubisoft know it, just look at the TV adverts. This is a must have game for 2010.