Game is Awesome! more like AC part 2.5 than part 3...which is good!

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3 Slim Bundle) PS3
I'm not going to go into the whole " this is a great game because of this and because of that deal". if you played AC 2 than you got the idea. Slightly improved graphics much better combat! and now you have you own assassins the sick on guards. oh yeah then there the whole multiplayer deal!! if AC 2 added 10-15 more missions to it i would have bought it! But this is a whole game worth of new stuff and better game play features!

I think some give it lower reviews because they wanted a new game...AC part 3 which would be awesome!! but his game out less than a year later...and they perfected AC 2.

The multiplayer is one of the greatest online experiences I have ever played! No other game feels this way and it goes perfect with the single player game. I know there will be DLC and i can't wait. if you liked AC 2 get this game!