Most creative game since Mario!
Anyways, once I got home I popped the game in eagerly and jumped into the campaign with my brother and friend watching. The campaign was good, moved along at the right speed and introduced me to how to play rather smoothly. (For a seasoned AC player the game may start out way to slow, just as a heads up.)
But moving on, after about 15-30 min playing the campaign, we excitedly went to the multiplayer on Xbox Live. First game we got into in just a minute or two and we were amazed at the game play! We felt jitters running down our spines (While playing or watching), everytime we killed someone, or got killed, or even when we were just walking around! It was a great experience, and we were ready for another game. Unfortunately that's where we ran into the one and only problem we have with the game... Very slow joining speed for multiplayer games. Otherwise known as "Loading Time". We waited a good 15 min before we got into another game, where we had a blast of fun again, until it ended and we started searching again, which annoyed us.
Moving on, all the weapons, attacks, dodges, counters, and game types are very well balanced, in fact some of the best balancing I've ever seen. There are some small tricks in the multiplayer you must learn or you'll get frustrated, like in order to counter someone attacking you, you first have to use a smoke bomb or another stunning weapon then press the counter button, which I didn't learn for over a week of playing and frustrated me till I learned. But, it's a small problem, and the game is still very enjoyable without knowing those tricks.
In my opinion it is the most creative game of 2010, and everyone should try it,
As I said earlier, my only frustration with the game is the loading time, and if Ubisoft could fix that, this would more easily (Though it is already), be my favorite game for the 360.
All in all, I would highly recommend buying or renting this game if your a fan of third person action games as well as competitive multiplayer experiences.
Because ACB has plenty of both!
Until we meet again,
~Andy M.