Even though it retakes a lot of its predecessor, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is an amazing and beautiful game.
This game explains further the story between the templar and the assassins during the XV and XVI centuries, with the same dramatic and immersive storytelling and puzzles as its predecessor.
Ezio's movement is just as fluid as it was in Assassin's Creed II. He can climb onto any building, grab any ledge, jump really far, and perform leaps of faith from incredibly tall towers. However, the leap that was felt from Assassin's Creed to Assassin's Creed II is not as big as it feels with this sequel.
The combat for this game had a few minor changes; you still have a plethora of weapons at your disposal and can use them and change them anytime during the game or during a fight. The drawback from the combat is the newly added feature: The execution streak. After you defeat an enemy, you'll start an execution streak, which means you only have to point at your next target, attack and Ezio will automatically kill the enemy. The animations look fantastic and it shows many great moves that Ezio learn while becoming an assassin, however this makes the combat less of a challenge, and it beats the purpose of getting stronger, faster and more expensive weapons.
During the game, you'll get to recruit assassin's to fight for your cause. This is a brilliant concept considering that Altaïr and Ezio both belong to this guild. You'll get to recruit fighter all over Rome and train them to the level of Assassins. Also you can call your recruits at any time in order to help you fight, or you can let them fight on their own.
The biggest addition to the game is the multiplayer. Even how the multiplayer takes part in the story of Assassin's Creed shows that developers are leaving nothing to speculation. This multiplayer is a fantastic addition to the games universe and it is a highly addictive and amazing experience.
Although this game is as big and beautiful as its predecessors, it does not go without mention that this game also comes with a few minor glitches and long loading screens.
Even with its minor flaws and setbacks, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is still an amazing game and this game should also be considered a must-have.