I always said: assassin's creed doesn't need a multiplayer
graphic: same graphics that you see in the second. it's really good and detailed. it uses let's say 80% of the ps3 power in terms of graphics. don't get me wrong, it has magnificent graphics, just not like uncharted.
story: more details will be revealed. some question you had will be answered in th. too many questions will be answered. great story-telling from Ubisoft. you will be surprised from what the story would bring you. this game starts off where the second has ended.
gameplay: most important aspect is the gameplay. i garauntee you 100% that you will have a great experience that you wouldn't forget in the single player. imagine GTA open world and more mixed with Metal gear solid. too much options could be found on how to finish your mission. too many varieties of missions, which makes it more interesting and pushes the bordom off the game. as for the multiplayer, i always thought that this game was released in order to introduce the multiplayer, not to be a sequel. i think that was the intention of ubisoft. that's why you find them forcing you to play the multiplayer to get a plantium. you will get about 20 hours of a single player with you taking your time. the multiplayer is full of glitches and lags that you will definitly hate it for this. every problem of an online gaming you can find in brotherhood. although the modes of the multiplayer are good and amusing. if it weren't for those problems, this game's multiplayer would have been a gem.
buy this game if you enjoyed the second one. don't you buy it if you didn't at least played the second. i advise to play the first two frankly.