The Good vs Bad when it comes down to Assassins Creed Brotherhood

User Rating: 9 | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3 Slim Bundle) PS3
Assassins Creed has always been a somewhat good series. Not perfect, but good. I mean don't get me wrong or judge too quick because it is just an opinion, but I found the first Assassins Creed to be extremely repetitive and quite lame. Then when the 2nd one was released I noticed a huge boost in the games fun value that made things better. Now with the release of Assassins Creed Brotherhood (or 2.5 in my opinion), the series has been nearly perfected! There are so many great things that Brotherhood brings to the table this time around that made me quite a happy gamer, but in order to find out what those things are (though you probably already know) and to hear my opinion on the game, keep reading this review!

The Good:

+ Graphics: Sure, the graphics haven't changed all that much from Assassins Creed 2, but that's self explanatory. This isn't a full-blown sequel and because of it, I will allow it's graphics to be a plus just because they are beautiful and running around virtual Rome looks and feels great.

+Sound: Assassins Creed has always been a game that puts the sound effects before the soundtrack. The game only offers about 3 or 4 songs but nearly a hundred amazing and realistic sounds from your d-bag horse running through a crowd of innocents to a cannon going off. The fact that there are so very few songs in the game though is totally fine by me, for the fact that they fit the game perfectly and sound beautiful at the same time. Beauty is hard to come by in music that involves killing… Lots of killing…

+ Gameplay: The game plays a bit like Assassins Creed 2… Actually, a lot like Assassins Creed 2. The controls are the same, there is still no way to change difficulties (which is fine), and the combat is still fun as ever. There is also the nice gift of being able to kill people so easily. This makes being in a jam with like, 10 guards a lot less intimidating and a lot more fun, especially with Ezio's awesome 'executions'. There is also an amazing new multiplayer mode which became one of my favorites of all time upon playing my first match. The ranking system is well done, unlocks are fair, and the gameplay is addicting. If I could give it a super plus for that, I would… But I've gotta stick to the program because if I started giving super plusses these reviews would be awfully confusing.

+ Difficulty: Seeing as how Assassins Creed doesn't have a difficulty changing option and the game stays on a normal level all the way through, it kind of brings up the urge for a better challenge but at the same time gets rid of that urge because you're having so much fun. However, there is a new addition to the game called "Full Synchronization" which gives the player the option to complete the mission they're on by doing a certain thing like (finish in under 8 minutes) or (Don't lose 'so-so' health squares). I personally chose to skip them, because when it comes to having fun, challenges are a no-no… They frustrate me…

+ Replay Value: Thanks to all of the hidden content lying around in single player, intense and addicting multiplayer, and even better and more time consuming trophies and achievements to unlock compared to the first 2 games, Assassins Creed Brotherhood offers enough replay value to last someone an entire month, maybe even 2 or 3! (Hopefully not that many though, because there are a lot of other games out there, but you know what I mean.)

The Bad:

~ Gameplay: I didn't want to give this game any bads, but I couldn't help but realize that when free-running, climbing, and jumping from ledge to ledge there are some problems that can cause frustration from time to time. The patient won't mind it, but those who aren't; I would prepare myself, because you're going to fall… A lot.

Overall, Assassins Creed Brotherhood is a pretty intense game that takes the series to a place just about no one expected. With all of the action, addicting multiplayer and add-on material, this game is definitely a buy (if you have at least played Assassins Creed 2). For everyone else, eh… You could buy it anyways. Assassins Creed Brotherhood gets a 9/10. For more of my reviews, look me up on,, and or just follow me on twitter /thatSTERLINkid.