Another Assassins Creed Game,Just like the last one, With Minor And Major Changes,Great Fun To Play.
Apart from that, assassins creed brotherhood has all the weapons from the last title so nothing is missing here.
You can make money by owning shops such as banks, art shop , the tailor and so on and you can collect your money from the bank every 20 minutes.A new feature in this game is that you can recruit assassins and train them,send them to missions and get their level to the level 10 which is known as "assassin".Here you can call your assassins when ever you want to for example make them fight against the guards, or as you become more advanced your assassins can shoot the guards with crossbow,you have to keep in mind that when ever you call your assassins you need to wait for the bar at the top to be filled and then you can use your assassins again.
You can also send your assassins to do contract missions in other cities and make them move up to different rankings from 1 to 10 as i mentioned before.
The main story of the game is quiet good,there are huge amount of side missions in assassins creed brotherhood.
Again like the last game you can climb up to higher views to synch. the map and get more location on you map.
The map shows all the things you need and the places you can pinpoint to go to.
Another new feature here is the S.P.Q.R tunnels,these are tunnels you can buy through out the game which allows you to travel from one of these tunnels to another one which is on another location in the game.
You can raise the amount of money you get every 20 minutes in the bank by buying locations, architectural landmarks,by fixing the city and all the other things you can do to earn more money every 20 min.
Another new missions or series of missions involves you trying to destroy the war machine that Leo Davinci made for war purpose,it was pretty fun using the machine and really one of the best side missions in the game.
Just like the last title you can find secret section which is called cluster,and that is under "the truth" puzzles section.
If you look a bit more into this game there is rarely new things available,it almost seems like there isn't anything new apart from the bigger version of Rome,with new architecture and some new characters,from what i saw in this game it looks like an advanced DLC to the last title.
Another thing worth mentioning here is the 100% synch. feature in each mission that you do there is an expectation.If you stand up to that expectation you are gonna get 100% synch on that mission.Well if you synch. all the chapters 100% you will unlock cheat codes for new things such as a unicorn!
The scale of the landscape is huge and there is no loading involved which is great,you can travel from north to south either by horse by feet or by those tunnels i mentioned earlier.
I did enjoy this game a lot and it was pretty fun to go and do all the side missions and to solve different puzzles,also climbing up to the top of different locations and finding the flags and the feathers and it can get very addictive indeed.
Although there are a lot of other minor new features that i can explain here the game is as good as AC2.
I think both AC2 and AC brotherhood are entertaining and are worth playing.
If i had to choose from 1 to 10 i would give this game 8.