Cool Fighting, Agonizingly Frustrating and Repetitive.
I wondered if for some reason the devs hated me. The timed sequences where impossible,. it almost seemed to encourage me not to climb as even the simplest of look out spots where a chore to climb as you had to slowly wrap around each building only to get cut off and try again,,..Taking out the Head Guards where a nightmare chore,,, as soon as you attacked, they would disappear like magic, you would have to fight a hoard of AI, and ,,,start over again..
Getting from one place to another felt like it took forever, you where always cut off ,,had to over climb and walk in circles to get to your objective. The climbing was slow and tedious..
The game is very linear, you have one way to complete the repetitive objectives, and you fail and get to endlessly do it again. The fighting was cool but didn't work right for me and I always seemed to get my chains broken and would get hit 5 times in a row. The puzzles where rudimentary, long meaningless trial and error, i absolutely hated them.
Sure,, one could say I suck at games and it the best game ever, but for those of you who have limited time and like to have fun with a game, im just saying this game is not fun. I have a lot of respect for the devs, it puzzles me how they thought this would be a good game though, perhaps its not meant for the mainstream...
I cancelled my preorder for AC3, but i still might buy but now im leery and will wait till some of my friends play it first before deciding..I wished this game was fun, seamless and interesting, its a boring chore, that seems to fight with you all the while.The game is far beyond my tolerance threshold...
I lent it to my neighbor to play the other night, I found it in my mail box the next morning.