Somewhere,someone really hear all our complains about the first ac, then they make something really incredible..
First there is no running without doing nothing anymore... you have a lot of things to do in the city, besides have to check secrets, sub missions, discover codex pages, treasures while running killing...
Second now you have a lot more of weapons...and they can be upgraded, so you can kill in several ways so the fighting is incredible fun and tempting to use venom, run push, figh barehanded, throw knifes, shoot them, throw them, you have a lot of room to improve.
Third you can change armor, upgrade your health, upgrade your armor, paint your clothes, use differents capes...
Fourth there is no more repetitive and dull, kill, escape that is a sub mission, and what really improved is the history you have goals and the history make u crave for more while you go.
five the economic system, make you go look for treasures, steal, complete sub missions, missions, buy armor,weapons, paints, upgrade your little nothing to push you more to do something
six they eliminated the long trips to one city to another that was really you have to pay for carriage for fast travel between cities but its nice to have that option besides ride the horse 10 minutes doing nothing but push one button...
Seven a LOT OF SUBMISSIONS, like race which is incredible fun but can be frustrating if you dont complete after several tries., the assassin missions, which for me is the first game resumed in a big submission, the punch the bastard of my husband..which is fun to beat the crap of this dogs..., search for altair armor, and this is the most hard thing cause the puzzle jumping style of prince of persia to get the pieces, then its the truth a lot of clues dispersed through the world.
eight ..the open world is more beautiful...cause the landscape and the cities have more distinct buildings, well the first in somehow was a little repetitive with the scenario...
so basically im really satisfied to play this game, and for me is the best game until now...sorry batman but you got owned.