One of the best games i have played recently

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed II PS3
Assassin's Creed continues the story of Desmond exploring his ancestors in the Animus. The story this time takes place in Italy. Where you meet known persons like Leonardo Da Vinci and other significant important historic characters.

The bad:
There are some issues with the framerates at some locations which can be very annoying. Camera angles and controls can be frustrating when climbing in certain areas or scenario's. AI can seem to see through walls or just keep hunting you longer than they should be able to at some points. Glitch that made me assassinate a target without even doing something(therefore completing the mission without even doing it).

The Good:
The story is very well done and built up over time in this game. We see Ezio from birth to arrogant teenager rebel to an adult assassin. The story has strong characters in both villains and sidekicks. Ezio also shines on his own. His loss of family and gaining a new identity as an Assassin is something very important to the story. Seing this character grow up and dealing with issues of loss and morale choices makes the character strong and believable.

The gameplay has been changed and tuned. Everything about the first game which concerns combat, quests, sidequests crafting, etc. They have managed to make a much better game than the previous one in all aspects. The free climbing and synchronizing towers have never been this much fun. It's pretty much effortless and fun to climb them. It can also be more challenging trying to climb towers, churches etc. The so called Scroll of Romulus lairs can be challenging puzzles to solve. It also gives a slower pace to the game and can be great to explore if you want to. These are optional for players off course.

You can explore the world to a much bigger degree also where you can have races, contracts to do hits on specific targets outside the main quests, hunting codex pages, upgrading your armor and improve on your city.
The graphics have also a distinct artstyle and shines through more in this game where you travel to Venice, Florence and Tuscany. The sites can be quite beautiful to look at and all the cities and location all have their own character to give to the game.

It has a lot to offer, and if you ignore the small imperfections you will have a blast playing this game. It's a lot better than the second game, and if you enjoyed the second a little bit or just enjoy action games in general you should try this game out