DLC is the last impression people have of the game. so why would Ubisoft release Battle of Forli?
Yes you do get what you pay for, but Ubisoft shouldn't release content that is below there standard. If you have played Assassin's Creed 2, you would swear Battle of Forli, was DLC for a different game. There were more big battles then assassinations, requiring no strategy by the gamer. With animation looking unfinished, and lackluster voice acting, made it all but impossible to get immersed in the story. With bad writing and and a ending that would have been more exciting if my console broke, the story needed all the help it could get.
Battle of Forli was tedious, drab, and insipid. The DLC was so short, when it ended I thought it was a glitch. If you love Assassin's Creed 2 and want more, play the game again. Don't buy the DLC that I swear was made by an intern on his coffee break.