The Assassin Side of Gameplay is the main feature...much better than the previous DLC and feels like it is AC II
-Somewhat Challenging (Stealth wise)
-Great Ending
-Assisination Missions
-New Florence Area to Explore
-Poor Early Story Presentation
-Nothing shines except the ending
This ends what is most likely the DLC run for ACII, but it is definitely a nice way to end it. For $5 buck, this pack is worth the asking price for those who truly loved ACII. Battle of Forli was just a brawling mess, but this is more about being stealthy. I like the fact that if someone noticed me, mission over. The retail version did not force this as much as it should of, but this DLC did and I really like that. If you want to know, most of the missions play like Assassination side missions and for me, that was the best part of ACII, so if you are a fan of this gameplay, this DLC is for you. As far as the story goes, its kind of loose, but it ends beautiful. My suggestion if you have not played either DLC, buy this one and just find out what the first DLC was about.