This was one of those games where I found myself waiting for the ending. While everything was well executed in terms of game design, this game did not really draw me in. This was surprising since the characters were so entertaining. While the game was a perfect example of a great sequel, it just didn't feel different enough from the original game. I am sure this was not a problem for many people, but the setting alone didn't feel "fresh" enough.
Instead of describing the gameplay I will simply say that it is great fun. However, the actual controls and fighting/climbing mechanics are relatively the same from the first game. Of course, this is to be expected and knowing the controls really helped me jump right into the fray.
I would reccommend this game to anyone. Just don't expect anything new.
There's no denying it. The original Assassin's Creed was a massive disappointment. The annoyingly repetitive sequences, the not-so-interesting storyline, the lack of character development; the problems just pile up. Howe... Read Full Review
Hard to believe it was almost two years ago (May of 2008) that I played the original Assassin's Creed, a game that I gave a 9.0 because while it did have some repetitive gameplay that fact never bothered me because the a... Read Full Review