Ubisoft made THIS! Impossible, its just too good!
Graphics: Just like in the first one, this game imerges you in an epic and gigantic world of the past, this time around, Italy. Also as in the first game the citys are well designed and the people felll alive, but unlike the first game you have actual cutscenes, which will pull the camera closer to the characthers for a closeup view of the action, unfortenately there is a problem, when you close up you can clearly see the faces of the characthers and unfortanely thay dont look so good up close, maybe its just me being picky, but ive seen better. Still, its just minor and it doesnt diminish the value of the game in the sligthest.
Gameplay: Where can i begin, its here that the differences are most notable, besides the obvious new gadjets, there is so much and so well that as clearly come to stay. In the fights with the guards for example, in the first game it was just a matter of countering every attack and you would get cheap kills, which never were really challeging, well that changed, the new varietys of enemies will require carefull strateging and timing, besides the normal guards which can be easily killed with counters, there will be agile guards, which are faster and harder to kill do to the fact that you cant kill them with counter and that they deflect most of your strikes and grabing atempts, and brute guards, which cant be countered at all and wear incrdbly thick armour, discouraging all atempts of normal atacks. But the most defining diference in between the first and this game are the missions, the first game was a lot repetitive, always with the go there, research, and assasinate. This game however its completely different, and boy did they do it well, each main mission is different, and rarely will you do the same thing twice, youll be asked to kill a lot of guys, of course, but unlike the first game, the killings will be a lot more rash, and much more fun, and wont require research, at all. Also this game packs some incredbile customizatiom options, like being able to paint your clothing they way you like, or buying the weapons and armour you want, also later on in the game youll come to have your on city, which can be upgraded to your liking and which will be an incrible asset to your journey.
Story: Also well made, and for a sandox kinda game, amazingly large, just going through the main story missions wil take you at least 40 hours of play, and you can consider that youll also have the assasins seal to collect and codex pages to find. THe main story though is great, you start the game where the first left off, in the abstergo building, lucy will call you and pull out of your memory something about a subject 16, fromt here youll escape from abstergo, fighthing your way out, and escaping to a warehouse, where youll find animus 2.0. From there you are ntroduced to Italy XV century and and will play the life of Enzio, a young, casanova like of a guy, which after some minutes of play, will become the next assasin wannabe. A characther which will grow on you.
Overall this is a great game, aside from some smaller issues i wont refer, its is an excelent play, if youre into sandbox kinda games with some nice medival fights and a great and deep story, youll love this game, which offers a lot for your buck.