Ezio is the real deal!

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed II PS3
Pro: large detailed towns filled to the brim with believable citizens (including thieves, bandits, women of a certain type, soldiers and messengers) , a wonderfully told story (sci-fi story combined with historical events) , gorgeous cutscenes (smooth and slick), amazing characters (especially Ezio himself), natural looking but still impressive action (protagonist looks very natural leaping from one platform to another and the execution moves are just epic), good value (around 30 hours for $30) and top-notch voice acting (Nolan North comes back with an Italian accent).

Con: Travelling through the city takes too much time (yes, even when you are leaping from roof to roof), some of the side-quests are repetitive and shallow (example: collect a hundred objects spread around the city), some of the A.I. doesn't react when you attack (they stand there while you stab them) and downloadable content is way too expensive.

Overall: 9.5/10